Community inputs for further development (JATS to Native XML converter)

Dear Community,
our project funding ( was renewed and we would love to get your input: at the moment we convert JATS XML in v. 3.3 (LTS), future plan is to add support for 3.4, but we were wondering if there are other versions that would be beneficial to the OJS community.
We would also like to know if you would prefer to have a public instance that you can use directly, or just a docker that you could compose and improve on your own.

Best regards,

Hi @lila,

Thanks for your post - pleased to hear about your renewed funding. Version 3.5 is coming up to be released, potentially at some point in the next few months (although, sometimes that’s a moving target) and will be a long term support (LTS) release (LTS). There are some JATS XML improvements that will be part of this release (you can get a sense of these here: GitHub · Where software is built) @asmecher or another member of our dev team might be able to speak to this further.

PKP Team

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Thank you very much for the heads up on the changes, I will send the info to the our developer! I was aware that addition JATS integration was planned, I am looking forward it, and I think I am not alone!

Hi @lila,

Have you encountered this repo?

It’s maintained and used by PKP’s hosting team; typically for migrations into OJS they work with version 3.3 (LTS), but once 3.5 LTS is out, my understanding is that they’ll be shifting to that (including the tooling to perform imports).

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

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Thanks, our approach use the back area of JATS to extract metadata first,on unpublished articles that are not submitted directly.But it is always useful to keep track of what is happening around!