Collaborative list of spam user patterns

A quite usual petition is making a DB extraction of the platform users including roles.
To do this you can use Clinton’s query (see “C. To describe user activity in order to identify suspect users (for ojs 2.x)” but you will get a number instead of a role name.

This number is the decimal equivalence for the different rolenames (coded in binary) and in 2.x branches would be something like:

Role Name role_id
Admin 1
Journal Managers 16
Editors 256
Section Editors 512
Layout Editors 768
Reviewers 4096
Copyeditors 8196
Authors 65536
Readers 1048576
Subscription Managers 2097152
IMPORTANT: Those equivalences change between versions so use this information with caution.

For 3.3.x branches, to get ALL the constants, you can use the “constant.php” function included in tools called as follows:

$ php lib/pkp/tools/constants.php

Or if you want to know what constant matches a particular value, you can “grep” or run:

$ php lib/pkp/tools/constants.php 256

(Thanks to @NateWr for the tool and the tip)