Coding Standards (2015)

@NateWr, is this your approach for the “next generation” of OxS frontends?

If not, any comments or thoughts to share?

Can’t comment on most things, but I saw a lecture by Cliff Pfeifer. Although is talking about Joomla!, there is a LESS vs. SASS discussion that may be of interest, to this or some other group here??
The Lecture here, @youtube

The links to the tools, talked about on the lecture, which may or may not be of interest…

At the 2016 PKP Sprint in Montreal, a theming group made a good start on a Bootstrap 3 theme for OJS 3.

I’d love to encourage more community contributions. If you’re a developer, please take a look at the GitHub repository.

OJS 3 is still in beta, so there’s still a lot of things missing. But this should give you an accessible entry point to start experimenting with theming for OJS 3. If you have any questions on this subject, please open a new thread since this one is getting pretty long.

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