in our language we have two scripts i.e. latin and cyrillic. I want to enable locale in latin too besides cyrillic. Where I can change of name of locale. I need to transliterate it.
in our language we have two scripts i.e. latin and cyrillic. I want to enable locale in latin too besides cyrillic. Where I can change of name of locale. I need to transliterate it.
Hi @vvucic,
I think you’re looking for registry/locales.xml
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Yes, I edited it. I can give you now all translated files for latin version of Serbian language so you can include them in translations.
Hi @vvucic,
Excellent! Tagging @mtub so that he’s aware. The best way to contribute a translation is via a github pull request, but we’ll take pretty much anything else too.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
this is still open: enable longer locale names · Issue #1911 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub - we currently have no scheme for different scripts in locale names. Any update on this issue?
I Think that there should be applied ISO specification that allows scripts something like nameoflanguage_script_countrylanguagecode. Please check other threads. As far as I remember @asmecher had idea which ISO to apply.
Hi @vvucic, see this issue enable longer locale names · Issue #1911 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub - there’s a patch, but it hasn’t been reviewed and merged yet. We are getting there
Great. Thanks a lot. Please let me know if I can help in any way.
I think we have figured out the naming scheme, now it’s just implementing the technical foundation…