Dear all,
thank you very much for all the hard work everyone has been putting in to creating and updating OJS. Our journal has been using it for over 3 years now and it has done wonders for our workflow.
We eagerly awaited OJS 3 and moved on from 2 as soon as it came out. Currently, we’re running 3.0.2. and found that we really miss some functionalities of the previous version. This primarily refers to the possibility of attaching files when contacting the author with a decision and adding a random e-mail address in a cc/bcc field. The editor can attach files if they were uploaded by the reviewer, but sometimes we want to upload our own files and that was a very convenient feature in OJS 2. Is there any chance that these two features might make a comeback in future upgrades?
Also, another thing that we are struggling with adapting to is the new look of the “All Active” tab. In OJS 2 you had a nice overview of all articles with dates of submission, dates of sending for review, not to mention the nice colour feature that told you what review status the article was in. The new look is visually attractive, but is not nearly as helpful as the old one. Do you think this may change in future versions?
thank you
Hi @Makso1212,
Thanks for your feedback! Those feature requests are noted.
On addressing and uploads, we have a similar request over here: CC other users on Editorial Decision emails - #3 by akoehler
On the “All Active” tab (and submission lists in general), @NateWr is working on a rewrite of the submission lists and may be able to comment more specifically.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Yes, we’re planning to bring more fine-grained status information to the submission lists. We hope it will be part of 3.1, but the work entails some substantial revisions we’re working on, so I can’t make any promises.
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thanks for letting me know! We’re looking forward to future updates :).
Yes, I noticed the same thing, about the inability to send cc or BCC with messages from within the system. I too missed the color scheme. But in the 2.x version there was one missing feature which I think is essential. Yes it would be nice to have the various dates in in 3.x., and whether or not there had been a ruling. But the most important problem with 2.x was that if there had been an editorial decision of accept with revisions or revise and resubmit, there was no easy way to see whether or not there had in fact been a revised manuscript or resubmission, without opening up each of the articles under review on which a decision has been made.
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