Can't download or view pdf files

Tks @asmecher , I´ll give a try on this commands.



Hi @asmecher

I have also faced the same problem. None of the PDF files in the published issues can be viewed or downloaded.

While reading these treads I found the thread on “Security issue: Hacking via submission in OJS 2.4.8” . Following the article I investigated my own system and found that mine was also hacked by the same way.

As suggested, now I have moved the files_dir in to a folder outside my webroot. Directory browsing was disabled from the beginning from Apache. I believe now, the system is better protected.

But my issue is, still I can not view or download the PDF files. I have tried with a previous backup (both DB and files) which I have taken before the hacker attack. But the result was same. I also restored this backup in another physical server and kept files_dir setting according to my original location (inside webroot) while troubleshooting this PDF issue, but no luck.
Please help.

Hi @desilvarami,

What version of OJS are you using? Have you checked that the files_dir setting in is accurate, and that file permissions permit OJS to interact with files in that directory (and its subdirectories etc)?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi @asmecher

Thank you for the directions. The problem was backward slashes instead of forward slashes. When updating the files_dir setting to a outside file location from webroot, I copied the new path from windows explorer and forgot to update the direction of the slashes.
Everything seems to be alright now. Thank you very much.

I cant yet solve problem. Please help me.




I click in admin system after click see error: 500 Internal Server Error

Please help me

Hi @Adminojs,

Don’t put your files storage area inside your webroot, or you risk being attacked through malicious uploads! See docs/README in the “Recommended Configuration” area.

If you see a 500 error, then more information should appear in your PHP error log.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

I Upgraded to OJS 3 the lats.
I have also faced the same problem. None of the PDF files in the published issues can be viewed or downloaded.
I checked that the files_dir setting in is accurate, and that file permissions ( 755 ) permit OJS to interact with files in that directory (and its subdirectories etc)

files_dir = /***//public_html//files

but nothing worked

can you help me pleas :cry:

Hi @Bahattab,

I’ve responded to your other post. Please don’t double-post; it clutters the forum.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

1 Like

I am a new comer of OJS. All the paper (PDF) in my journal can’t be downloaded or even downloaded. This problem were begun after my institution’s web made a migration to the other server. As a new user of OJS I don’t have any idea about how to solve this problem. You can see list of the content at and the problem viewed at ANALISIS PENCAPAIAN 8 KOMPONEN STANDAR AKREDITASI SD/MI DI KOTA MATARAM | Haifaturrahmah | Jurnal Elementary : Kajian Teori dan Hasil Penelitian Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar. Thank you very much…

I use OJS version

We are facing problem with url all pdf link are showing blank

We have multiple journals. Some journals is working fine. But one journal’s pdf are not opening.

Hi @Pen2Print,

There are already lots of suggestions in this thread. What have you tried, and what was the result?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Issue resolved after we changed file permission in Journal Articles of that journal in ojsdata.


beg to help how to fix errors like this when I download the file can not be opened

I have a similar problem, if anyone could help,
I used to upload xml files in galley and pdf files as a supplementary file,
And the user interface will show a pdf button where it opens in a new window and shows the pdf in the reader,

Now it doesn’t read but can be downloaded, and shows this box,

If i click on download, it downloads the pdf normally, but it used to open the pdf in the reader itself,

The only recent thing that happened in the past few months, was that we switched servers, but other than that nothing else was changed in the configurations or anything.

Could you please help?

Hello OJS community.

I am a web administrator of the University of Camaguey in Cuba.

We are having problems with the visualization of the pdfs but only when it is accessed from outside the university because from the internal network they are visualized well.

We are using OJS version
We are using the latest version of the pdf.js viewer plugin
We think it could be some permission problems.

Here the url of our magazine:

Here is an example of the problem:


I am facing litarly the same issue, but i can not even see the documents nor the download buttom to get the published/submited files.

best regards

Hello @tenebreezy,

This is an older post, dealing with OJS 2, which is no longer maintained or supported by PKP. I recommend that you upgrade to the newest version of OJS, as this is likely to resolve the issue you are facing. However, if you do face the same issue following an upgrade, I would encourage you to create a new post here in the forum.

You may find the following resources helpful in preparing for and performing the upgrade:

These resources will introduce you to OJS 3 and how it is different from OJS 2:

You may need to seek professional support to upgrade your installation. This can usually be acquired from the service provider that hosts or maintains your software, such as the technical support team at your institution or a third-party hosting provider.

Best regards,

PKP Team