BUG after upgrade 3.0.2 to (menu bar is missing)

Hi @rafaelmansilha,

The upgrade does not complete – it fails here:

[homolog] < [code: Installer Installer::moveReviewerFiles]
[homolog] < <h1>There are no readable files in this directory tree. Are safe mode or open_basedir active?</h1>

There is another thread in the forum ([Solved] Upgrading 3.0.2 to 3.1.01 moveReviewerFiles fails) where the same error is discussed, and it seems to be related to articles that are orphaned from a journal that was removed. Can you check whether there are any articles in your database with a non-existent journal? To do this, run the following SQL:

SELECT submission_id FROM submissions s LEFT JOIN journals j ON (s.context_id = j.journal_id) WHERE j.journal_id IS NULL;

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team