Book reviews and conference proceedings

The journal I edit (Information Research: an international electronic journal. Information science, Information management, Information systems, Information retrieval, Digital libraries, Information seeking behaviour, Information seeking behavior, World Wide Web, WWW) does not at present use OJS for publication, only up to and including the copy-editing stage. It has been easy to include a separate section for book reviews and, once or twice a year, a conference proceedings. At present I find version 3 to be inferior to version 2 from a usability point of view (a good example of “upgrade degredation” it seems), for example, I don’t seem to be able to add in a regional editor to an e-mail message to an author, and, I have to go to Publication>Contributors to find out where the author is from so that I can assign a regional editor - this information was on the submission page of version 2. We intend to publish through OJS some time next year, I wonder how we are going to accomplish this.

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Hi @Stormypetrel,

Provided the editor is registered as a user, you should be able to have them as a participant email them via the discussions feature: Learning Open Journal Systems 3.3 - Editorial Workflow

Best regards,

PKP Team