Hello to everyone,
during the process of our first publishing (DCO 1,1) we met with a problem: only the author himself who did at first upload the article could follow the workflow afterwards. But two times it was the co-author who should have worked further on the uploaded article. In these cases the co-authors had to re-upload the original articles again.
It would be helpful, if there would be a technical possibility to choose the author that has to follow the workflow at a particular time.
How it works right now, if you change the main contact, doesn´t help, since it only changes the contact that gets the mails during the workflow. Maybe it is possible to add to the current settings the authorization to actually Work on the article.
Kind regards, Sven
Hi @spbrandt,
That’s something we’re addressing for the OJS 3.0 release based on feedback like yours. We’re releasing a beta of OJS 3.0 later in August, and will plan the 3.0 final release soon after that. In the meantime, you’ll need the submitting author to follow up on requests for revisions etc.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Dear @asmecher,
Are there any plans to have any feature based on this initial request?
One of the options would be to have a “delegate article” feature to make another user (probably a co-author) responsible to continue the workflow. It can be easy to do without many developments.
This as been also suggested by some users.
José Carvalho
Hi @josekarvalho,
In OJS 3.x, the editor can add multiple authors as participants in the workflow. These authors interact as peers, e.g. they have equivalent permissions on the document.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team