I just made a quick look and noticed that author is able to change the galley file in the published version. It seems all other data in the published version is not editable unless the version gets unpublished however, the galley file can be uploaded by the author and it gets replaced from the frontend as well. Changing galley files by the author in the published version shall be restricted too.
Hi! @ajnyga
Thank you for the fix! I will let you know if find any other issue. Edit: In the pagination of the section, next and previous button pointing to url base section which gives error page because originally section is still at base path of series. I think this mismatch appears during the renaming of series to section. I found a quick fix in series.tpl file by changing page="section" to page="series" around line number 49, 51 & 54. Kindly consider this issue in the next release for an appropriate fix (probably by changing base path to sectionas well instead of series).
Thanks! yes actually I have to rename series.tpl and the frontend handler to series as well. We decided to stick with the name sections in OPS. The better taxonomy for a software like OPS is Categories with it’s ability to present sublevels for taxonomy items. I will change the default theme so that it is built around Categories. Of course any individual OPS installation can create their own theme and just use sections for presenting content if they want.