Some journals do have so called First on-line part in which they publish articles that will later be assigned to issues. Maybe that can be solved by creating issue with name First On-line and assign that issue to menu in navbar. Can we assign issue to menu in navbar?
We plan to add some features broadly supporting continuous publication models similar to what you describe in a future release of OJS – either 3.1 or 3.2. Meanwhile, your workaround is what I’d recommend. For the moment you’ll need to modify the template files to add this to the menu, though we’ve had requests for a tool to modify menus via the setup pages and will be accommodating that in the future.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I added translation key in En-US locale.xml and it shows its title properly near the path. I guess the path should not be visible. It should point to key in EN-US locale and made it active as menu.
The code that I Put is OK, Without href at the beginning it show whole path in the menu name such as http://public_html/ojs…view…55 and then Menu name as I put in screenshot in my previous post.
When I put that line as href than my installation of OJS shows in navbar menu only menu name given by me only which is fine. However click on menu name show whole path .ie. view of issue with id 55 (in my case).
Thus, addition of href solves the problem o showing technical name of path in the menu name in navbar menu. Thus, it is not sufficient only to put that path = “id” (in my case 55).
You can check the result here:
I’m not sure I’m following… Is the problem that “Archives” is showing in the breadcrumbs? You can customize that by editing/overriding templates/frontend/components/breadcrumbs_issue.tpl.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
It is not in breadcrums but in Archives of journals. Since the issue that is called First On line is separate and under continuous changes it should not be listed under menu Archive.
Inside this loop, I would suggest adding an {if ...} statement to check if this is the issue you want to exclude, and not present the issue in the listing if so.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team