Article about PKP Sprint in Helsinki

Myself and my colleague Rune Nilssen had the pleasure of being invited to write an article about the PKP Sprint in June for the journal NOPOS, published at the University of Tromsø. You can read it here:

Our aim is to tell our colleagues in the Nordic and Baltic countries that they should join a Sprint whenever they have the chance, and be a part of this great community.


Hi @JohnDavid,

Thanks to you both for writing and sharing this – after 2 years without being able to organize one of these events, it’s a relief to know we haven’t forgotten how! Personally, sprints are a real high point for me, and a reminder that the software is just a means to facilitate all the science that the community is producing and communicating. Thank you so much for coming and making it so collegial and productive.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team