After clicking on button Publish, returns error "The requested URL was not recognized."

I use OMP
When I am clicking on button PUBLISH, the system returns an eror “The requested URL was not recognized”.
Am I duing something wrong, or it is system error?

Hi @ashotgev,

At what point are you pushing “Publish” - where at in the workflow? Can you give a screenshot of the error message?

PKP Team

Here it is

Hi @ashotgev,

This is a different issue: The requested URL was not recognized when I create a new magazine - #3 by RicardoChiralt - but it does give some helpful hints for identifying the source of this issue. Particularly this part:

“To debug the unrecognized URL message, I would recommend using your web browser’s developer tools to check what URL is being requested when this response is returned. Depending on your browser, you can likely see this on the “Network” tab of the developer tools.” - Can you try that and report back on what the error is?

Best regards,

PKP Team

[Deprecation] Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user’s experience. For more help, check
send @ jquery.min.js?v=

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden)

DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for HTTP error: status code 404,

jquery.min.js?v= POST 403 (Forbidden)

Dear @rcgillis
I see this massages in developer’s tool


Hi @ashotgev,

Thanks for this. This may prove helpful in determining what the issue is. I’m going to see if some of my colleagues can suggest - they will reply when they are able to/available.

Best regards,

PKP Team

TX, @rcgillis ,
I will wait for Your answer!!