Affiliation mandatory, OJS

HI! @vvucic, @asmecher, @anupent
I’m trying to add the ORCID field as required.
My OJS version is 3.1.1-4.

In the file I made the following change

$this->addCheck(new FormValidatorORCID($this, ‘orcid’, ‘required’, ‘user.orcid.orcidRequired’));

In the authorForm.tpl file I added the line


  1. And in the userDetails.tpl file I added the two parts

{if $orcidRequired}
{assign var=“orcidRequired” value=true}
{assign var=“orcidRequired” value=false}


{fbvElement type=“text” label=“user.orcid” name=“orcid” id=“orcid” required=$orcidRequired value=$orcid maxlength=“37” inline=true size=$fbvStyles.size.SMALL}

Even so the field did not become mandatory. What am I doing wrong?

Hi @Diego,

I would suggest working backward from the required=... attribute to fbvElement to see where it stops working. I don’t see any problems in what you’ve posted, so suspect it’s probably where you’re assigning orcidRequired to the template.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

@asmecher I was able to solve it after your tip.

We have two options to solve.
Denying the variable

{if !$OrcidRequired}
{assign var = “orcidRequired” value = true}
{assign var = “orcidRequired” value = false}
{/ if}

or else
changing the order of conditions

{if $orcidRequired}
{assign var = “orcidRequired” value = false}
{assign var = “orcidRequired” value = true}
{/ if}

Thank you very much

Hi @asmecher and @anupent,

How can I make affiliation/ORCID mandatory only for the corresponding author and not for all?
