We have published a new book and the author wants a print on demand option. I am not sure how to do this. Does anyone have documentation on this? And what companies do you use to print the books?
Thank you!
We have published a new book and the author wants a print on demand option. I am not sure how to do this. Does anyone have documentation on this? And what companies do you use to print the books?
Thank you!
here is some information (and the code) for a print-on-demand plugin in OJS:
But I’m afraid it won’t be very useful for you as you need a print-on-demand feature for OMP and not for OJS…
Hi @tburgess,
Do you have a particular service in mind?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Sorry I am so late in responding. We have a service, CreateSpace. I just want to link to it from the individual catalog so people can order it. Is that possible? I can’t find a place to do that.
Hi @tburgess,
This is certainly an area that we could add some refinement – e.g. some better content management tools for the published monographs. In the meantime, you could add the link to the monograph’s abstract.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi everyone at this topic,
I would like to confirm that a printing-on-demand function would be great to have in OMP/OJS. Probably just a button with a link to the printing-service of one’s choice would be enough on the frontend. Not sure what else is technically required in the backend.
Are there any updates on some print-on demand plugin for OMP?
I guess that the pod plugin for OJS at GitHub - ojsde/pod at ojs_stable_2_4_6 is very similar to what I am looking for. But I would also be interested in this feature for OMP.
Hi @asmecher, Are there any updates on some print-on demand plugin for OJS/OMP? Any plugin?
For what it’s worth, we manage this through Publication > Publication formats. We just call it “POD”, mark it as a physical format available at another site, and then insert the link to the Amazon page where the book is available through KDP:
The result is that it pops up neatly on the book’s catalog page in OMP right after our PDF and EPUB copies: