Adding older articles and issues / skipping the workflow

Describe the problem you would like to solve
We want to move a journal to OJS, including the older issues. It’s possible to simply upload the PDF of the full issue, but we’d like to have the same per-article-view you get when entering the articles manually for continuity. Of course, that would mean we’d have to enter every article by hand and go through the whole workflow - as an Admin, I can at least skip the peer review process, but still it takes a lot of time. The ‘old’ articles have been published with OPUS or simply on a webpage, so an automated import does not seem possible for us.

Describe the solution you’d like
We’d wish for a solution where you can simply enter older issues and articles without having to go through the whole workflow. The issue workflow could remain the same, except the possibility to set a release date upfront. For the articles, we’d like to have a simple form to enter article metadata and a full text PDF.

Who is asking for this feature?
Journal Administrators, Technical Support

Additional information

Hi @lburkhardt,

From what you’re describing, this sounds quite similar to the functionality of the Quick Submit plugin:

Have you explored that plugin?

PKP Team

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I totally overlooked that plugin - thank you very much, this solves my problem! Should have taken my time to do a little more research beforehand…