We are some universities in Kurdistan Region of Iraq using this system for our journals. But, we have a problem. The system is not included Kurdish Language. So, I need support to add Kurdish language and I will take the responsibility to fully translate the website into Kurdish. It is the link of one of our journals; http://jhss.koyauniversity.org/index.php/jhss
Thanks in advance,
Hewa S. Khalid
JHSS/ Koya University
Yes, it’s possible to add a translation. Have you already read guidelines on this topic? They are outdated but still useful: https://pkp.sfu.ca/wiki/index.php?title=Translating_OxS
Let me know if you are planning to make a contribution.
Yes, I am ready to work hard for it and take the responsibility for Kurdish language. But, I need someone to direct me step by step. So, I would be very thankful if you do that.
Have you got familiar yourself with the link that I’ve provided? localized files are represented as XML’s and have specific tags inside. Most of them are situated either inside locale and pkp/lib/locale folders starting from a web root, e.g.: https://github.com/pkp/ojs/tree/master/locale
So, the process is actually just copy those files into a new locale and replacing translation inside tags.
But I’m not sure if you need to make special steps to add a new language. Tagging @mtub as he knows better.
Hello, we’d like to contribute with a new language too. I’ve used the contact form a couple of weeks ago and I haven’t still got any reply. Who is responsible for adding languages to https://translate.pkp.sfu.ca/projects/ ? We’d like to contribute with translation into Gaelic.
I saw your question come in via email and wrote you back! Not sure why it didn’t come through but I’ll copy it here:
I’ve been tasked by [institution] to work on the localization of Open Journal Systems and Open Monograph Press into Scottish Gaelic (gd-GB). Could you please enable this locale for localization?
One question, is there a % cutoff of translation at which point a new locale is included in releases or are all locales included in releases?
That’s great to hear!
You should be able to start translating just by creating an account on the translation service, then agreeing to the Contributor License Agreement – unfortunately we haven’t found a way to make this agreement site-wide, so you’ll need to click through for each component you’d like to translate. Once that’s done for a component, there should be a link to create a new translation at the bottom.
We don’t have a cutoff for inclusion – everything is included with each release – but we do have a “completeness” flag that goes into the UI to show when a translation is complete, and that’s set around 90%.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you. I’m not able to add a new language myself. I’ve requested it once again via the Weblate form, hopefully it’ll be added by an administrator soon.
The Gaelic language is available under the gd language code – but I’ve renamed it to gd_GB [ed: corrected from gd_UK]. I’m not familiar with Gaelic, so apologies if I’m playing fast and loose with variants.
If you weren’t seeing Gaelic before, and still aren’t seeing it now, please make sure you’ve signed the Contributor License Agreement; you’ll need to sign that (on each component you want to translate, unfortunately) before the button to create a new translation appears.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
any chance you could rename the Gaelic language to just gd? At the moment it downloads as gd_GB and because of the underscore, I’m having to manually tweak the xml before my TMS will accept the file. There really are no geo variants of gd, so just gd is perfectly ok. It’s not like en which has en-US, en-GB etc etc etc.
No, unfortunately – OJS/OPS/OMP only currently support xx_YY-form locale codes. I’d like to adjust this at some point but it’s tough to prioritize as it’s a very long-established limitation with few negatives (of which this appears to be one).
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Unless I’ve missed one, all the Weblate translations that get merged into the PKP repos get xx_YY (or, occasionally, xx_YY@charset) locale codes. Weblate sometimes prefers the short form, in which case I configure them on an as-needed basis for the longer form.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team