I have had requests from two of the journals that we host for an Acknowledgements box on the submission form. These are journals that were previously hosted on the bepress Digital Commons platform where this field was a default, so they are used to having it.
The editors haven’t specified where or whether they would like the information to appear on the article landing page. I expect they would include it in the article pdf, and I expect it would be good for acknowledgements to appear on the article landing page.
One of the journals focuses on Indigenous policy issues and so has acknowledgements for most of its papers, so it’s quite inconvenient for them to manage a work-around.
Thanks for considering,
I think it would be a bit complicated, because we would have to make modifications to the OJS source code for an option that the vast majority do not use. I, instead, for a quick solution would take a field of unused submission metadata and change the meaning for what I need.
Thanks for the suggestion. Can you point me to something that explains how to change the meaning of a submission metadata field? I’m not seeing how to change the name of a submission metadata field nor how to add a description that would let authors know what to put there.
Hi, sure
First you must go to Settings> Website and select the Modules tab; Then, Gallery of modules and install “Translate”. Once installed, a tab with the same name will appear, there are all the translations.