Acces just for a section

I don’t know if this topic is in the right place here, but I’ll try …
Is there a way to give users access only to contributions in a specific section?
The background is that we would like to make this possible for the editors of the focus issues, which change from issue to issue. This way they can see the articles and reviews only for their issue and not for something else. This would enable them to follow the process better and communicate with the editorial team.

Hi @cgrunert,

This is somewhat possible (but may not cover all of your use case). Essentially, you can limit a certain section so that only section editors/editors can submit to a given section. This is setup in the section settings (See here: Journal Settings) - Please note, that settings may vary according to which version your using (please indicate your specific version number in your posts (e.g. 3.3.0-7), as this assists in answering your questions).

Here’s an example of what the section settings look like in version 3.3:

Screen Shot 2021-08-31 at 3.35.25 PM

Best regards,

PKP Team

Dear Roger, thank you very much for your quick reply. We are working with OJS at the moment (I am not the administrator, just a user). As you have already guessed, this is not quite the solution to my problem. The main aim of my question is to prevent sub-editors from having access to articles other than those of their own issue. The reason for this is that we often have external sub-editors, so we need to avoid them seeing any other data, especially from review processes of issues other than their own. Is there any way to do this?

Hi @cgrunert,

Hmm… that is tricky as it stands for OJS, since when you grant an Editor role to a user it grants them a certain amount of privileges within OJS. The section editor role is more limited though. One thing you might want to try is grant one of these users the section editor role, and then as Journal Manager, you could “login as” them (Users - Search for the User you’re looking for - click the little down arrow next to their name and then Login As). This way you could at least preview the level of access that they have. Another option you could try is to create a new role, and limit the access that the new role has to a particular stage, and then assign that role to the user who’s access you’re wanting to limit. You can get a better sense of how to edit roles here: Users and Roles

Perhaps one of these options might work for you?

PKP Team

Thank you very much for your help. However, combining the section editor role with only one specific section does not seem to be possible. Too bad … :wink: