Hi All,
A small publishing house in Turkey (https://books.akademisyen.net/index.php/akya) uses the OMP system I set up to give doi to its books. The last time I met with them, they asked for a plugin for automatic registration to Crossref. They told me that some budget could be allocated for this project.
Could we do develop a fully functional OMP Crossref registration plugin, just like in OJS 3.4? Once we develop this, I want to add it to the plugin library or at least make it available to everyone. However, I would prefer it to be done by a friend who is an expert on this subject. I especially want this plugin to meet PKP quality, and I believe it will.
Best regards,
Uğur Koçak
Thank you for your post. I’m flagging this for @bozana who can likely advise on this further.
Best regards,
PKP Team
Hi @drugurkocak,
Yes, I think it would be good to have the Crossref plugin for OMP as well.
I would like to first investigate a little bit how are the user requirements, and I would also like to see with Crossref what metadata to register, especially considering all the publication types in OMP (submission, publication format, chapter, file).
It seems that that user (https://books.akademisyen.net/index.php/akya) assigns DOIs to submissions only, correct?
We know from another user that they also use DOIs for chapters, but only in connection with submission DOIs – the submission DOI must exist and chapter DOIs metadata are provided withing the submission DOI metadata.
So let me first reach out to Crossref and see with them how we should best proceed with all our publication types (but it seems and I hope that we could proceed as in OJS, to only consider submission DOIs and eventually chapter DOIs). Then I will get back to you, with better overview of the work that needs to be done. OK?
Thanks a lot!
Hi @bozana
Thanks for kind reply
The aforementioned publishing house wants to give DOIs to the book chapters too, but manual registration especially when it comes to a multi-chapter medical book, is really painfull.
Since book publishing is actually a “more commercial” field, I invite other commercial publishing houses to contribute to this project. If they contribute to the development of a professional plugin that is open to everyone, they will benefit greatly in the long run.
Best regards,