2.4.5 upgrade to 3.1.1-2 fails

Happy that you could resolve the issue. That is more important than anything else.

Thank you, @pkahai, but I am actually still stuck. If @bozana and other smart people on this forum could help me, it would be much appreciated, because I don’t see a way to upgrade OJS to 3.x after weeks of trying.

I don’t know if I can help you but I can try. Let me know and we can talk on Skype or on phone, etc.

Finally, I made it happen! Per @bozana recommendation, I deleted an empty editor, which was showing as editor_id = 0. Then @pkahai pointed out that I had two huge tables:

  1. article_search_object_keywords: this has over 5,800,000 (yes, over 5 million!) rows / records
  2. article_search_keyword_list: this has over 214,000 rows / records

After I deleted their content, the database shrunk from 170 MB to 40 MB. I then installed 2.4.8 w/o problems and then 3.0.2.

Thanks everyone for your help.