Users not receiving password in password reset mail

Some users of my OJS 3.0.2 instalation, with pt_BR language, are complaining the password reset mail doesn’t bring the password at all; I tried it myself and can confirm it. Because of issue #1469, I thought it could be a problem with my email template, but from the information below I don’t think it anymore. Does anyone have any idea of what might be the reason?


The mail I received was:

Sua senha de acesso ao site foi atualizada com sucesso. Guarde o login e a senha, uma vez que serão necessários para todas as atividades relacionadas ao sistema.

Seu login: leonardof

Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle
Anais do Congresso Capixaba de Medicina de Família e Comunidade

This is from file locale/pt_BR/emailTemplates.xml:

	<email_text key="PASSWORD_RESET">
		<subject>Senha atualizada</subject>
		<body><![CDATA[Sua senha de acesso ao site {$siteTitle} foi atualizada com sucesso. Guarde o login e a senha, uma vez que serão necessários para todas as atividades relacionadas ao sistema.<br />
<br />
Seu login: {$username}<br />
Senha: {$password}<br />
<br />
		<description>Mensagem enviada a usuário cadastrado quando o mesmo informa que esqueceu sua senha ou encontra problemas para acessar o sistema. O link contido permite ao usuário atualizar a senha de acesso.</description>


Could you check in those journals, how that e-mail template looks like (Settings > Workflow > Emails > Password Reset > Edit? Maybe it is there from an older OJS version…


Thank you, @bozana, the problem was there!

I don’t know why these emails are not the same as in the template files; I didn’t change any email template. Whenever OJS 3.0.3 or 3.1 is released, how can I use its new templates instead of those in those in the dashboard?

Hi @leonardof

We will add it to the upgrade script so that it is then automatically updated with the next update. See also this GitHub issue for that: update Password Reset default e-mail template · Issue #2542 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub.


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I am trying to reset the password for (ADMIN ), but I am not receiving password on my registered email id.
Please help me.