Usage statistics by institutional subscriber

In version, we want to figure out how to generate usage stats per institutional subscriber. eg, a librarian wants to determine how many people used the title to determine if they should review the journal.

Questions please:

  1. How do we generate this data on OJS?
  2. How does the subscriber generate and read this data?

Many Thanks.

Hi @radjr

Unfortunately, this function does not exist in OJS at the moment. Thus you would need to use some other tools/mechanism to figure that out, e.g. to try to generate those usage statistics using the apache log files and the IP address of that institution…


Thank you.

Richard A. DeVito Jr.

Hi, Bozana,

We have similar requests. So will this feature be in the to-do-list for OJS 3.x?


Hi @Y_H

When we start working on the subscription module and improvement of the statistics in OJS 3.x I will know more…
