We noticed that when we edit and modify the content of a Navigation Menu Items form and then we save it, the title is erased and don’t display any more in the list.
When we edit the form again, the title field is empty. If we fill the title again but only the title and save again, the title is recorded again.
I didn’t see this issue reported in the next release OJS/OMP 3.1.2-1.
Thanks in advance to have a look at this problem.
Best reagards.
They are no PHP errors regarding the NavigationMenus upon editing or displaying them.
The title is not displayed on the NavigationMenu management page and is not displayed on the journal’s interface and it is deleted from navigation_menu_item_settings table.
The only thing I have in console browser is this message:
"Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user’s experience. For more help, check http://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/."
But it’s not specific to the NavigationMenus.
OJS site level is configured with 2 langages: french (as primary) and english
The journal I tested is in english only
Here are some screeshots with “Test” page:
Thanks in advance for your help
Kind regards.
exactly the same problem in OJS V as hcl describes above. No error messages in no log. Chrome console messages see Screenshot.
OMP 3.4 has the same problem.