Orcid plugin improvement OJS 2.4.8


we have to add some new features to ORCID plugin, specifically we would to add in Submission (step 3) forms a button for searching ORCID ID of additional author.

There already is a plugin’s extension that provide this chenges?
Whether it is not, we want to implement this features and release to community.


Hi again,

There are of course many ways of collecting Orcid id’s, but I have understood that Orcid would like that all the id’s attached to articles are authenticated by the authors themselves. Meaning that adding id’s by searching is not encouraged. https://members.orcid.org/api/workflow/publishing-systems#1collect

Also, I know that defstat is doing some work on the 2.4 Orcid plugin: GitHub - defstat/PKP-ORCID


thanks for the reply again :slight_smile:

now the plugin allows to edit manually the additional author’s Orcid ID and so we think that searching for it’s better than editing.

However I take a look at this plugin, thanks for the advice.