Hi all,
is there (or is planned) a Datacite Export/Registration plugin for OMP 3.0.1?
Hi all,
is there (or is planned) a Datacite Export/Registration plugin for OMP 3.0.1?
Any news here?
We are also interestend in an automatic DOI Registration with datacite for OMP 3.
Thanks for the great work,
Nils Weiher
we would like to know if there are news since we are interested too.
We are using OMP 3.1.2-4
Best regards
Stefano Boellli Gallevi
Hi, any update on this after the OMP 3.2 release?
@akku on this can be interested too.
Best regards,
Did you have any update on this, @bolelligallevi ? I am also searching about the possibility to register DOI on Datacite with OMP (latest release).
Thank you,
Hi @leonardo.mancini.
Thank to @Dulip_Withanage we have the plugin!
I think it will be usefull to @Alfredo_Cosco and @nweiher too.
You can find it here GitHub - withanage/datacite: OMP Datacite Plugin with additional da|ra support.
Dulip has merged the italian locale I sent him.
Mind the issue I opened, and please let me know if you can use the plugin without problems.
Best regards
Hi @bolelligallevi,
Thank you very much and congratulations to everyone involved for this amazing work!
I have read the documentation about the installation. However, I have installed OMP through the Ftp package and not thrugh GitHub. Do you think that I can install the plugin anyway? I see that it is not listed in the plugin gallery.
Thank you very much and best regards,
Hi @bolelligallevi and @leonardo.mancini
thanks for the comments!
Plugin can be also installed using the zip, but I recommend using the git checkout in order to get easiert updates.
I wrote the plugin and left the university heidelberg and after that did not use in active production but heidelberg confirmed that they tested it.
I was not sure, that there is interest for it in the community for that . Therefore I will take care that it comes to plugin gallery and let you know.
Hi @Dulip,
Thank you very much. Your plugin is of extreme interest to me and I will look forward to finding it also in the gallery.
Where are you working at the moment?
Best regards,
Hi @Dulip,
Sorry for disturbing again, I am not able at the moment to install the plugin through the zip. Where can I find the correct zip file? Downloading the code as a zip package, and installing it through the website, I can get this error.
Can you please help me, and tell me where I can find this zip plugin?
Leonardo Mancini
Hi Leonardo, you have to convert the .zip in a tar.gz and upload it.
Be sure that the namefile is the same of the plugin’s name, you have to remove “-master” if I remember correctly.
Best regards
Hi @Dulip_Withanage, I think that all the OMP in italian universities would benefit from your plugin, because datacite dois are very popular there due to a particular agreement, but I don’t know how many OMP installations are active now.
Waiting for other expressions of interest (@Alfredo_Cosco and @nweiher are you there?), can you clarify if and how the plugin does automatic DOI registration, e.g. with scheduled tasks as the built-in OJS-datacite plugin?
In your documentation you refer only to the manual registration, clicking on the DOI to register.
Thanks, best regards
Hi all,
this is a great news! Datacite DOI registration is a “must have” for our presses at University of Napoli.
@asmecher do you think is possible to integrate the plugin in OMP or, at least, promote it in the official repository?
Hi @Alfredo_Cosco and @bolelligallevi ,
Sorry for the delay! I will integrate the plugin to plugin-gallery and will update you as soon as soon as it is done.