OJS 3: Add menu items to top navigation bar

I would like to add Ahead of print in the main navigation bar. I found the file and created copies of folders and file in the child theme. From my new menu item I need to point to specific issue (number 16) from archives (which serves as an Ahead of print issue).

I use this code:

<a href="{url router=$smarty.const.ROUTE_PAGE page="issue" op="view/16"}">
{translate key="navigation.aheadofprint"}

But this doesent work, as the slash is not transcribed as / in URL, so I end up with:


which gives 404 page.

How to create a proper URL for issue?
How to create an URL for static page?
What file to modify to make a new translation key for new menu items?

Lot of questions from me :flushed:
Best regards,