How to make italics in article title in OJS 3

Hi @novikoffav, I could solve the rendering problem of italicized taxa names in article title in OJS 3.02. First some resume:

Table of contents: sufficient without intervention

Citation format(s): sufficient without intervention

Article detail page: I changed in /templates/frontend/objects/article_details.tpl the line {$article->getLocalizedTitle()|escape} into {$article->getLocalizedTitle()|strip_unsafe_html} just as it is done with the abstract. To make this code sustainable, I did this in a child theme derived from the default theme.
@asmecher could it be coded in the original if this is no security risk?

(Invisible) metadata: the HTML tags <em></em> appear in HTML <title>, and in <metadata> DC.titel and citation_title. Don’t know if it is necessary in <title>.

By the way, the are some other bumps:

The abstract is rendered by {$article->getLocalizedAbstract()|strip_unsafe_html|nl2br}, but because TinyMCE wraps paragraphs in <p></p>, nl2br causes additional space between the lines.

TinyMCE wraps italic in <em>…</em> and bold in <b>…</b>, but underlined text in <style style="text-decoration:underline;" >…</style>. Is there a reason?

Best wishes!