I am using the OJS 3.3.0-11 LTS. After enabling the SSL, The CSS is not loading on the Journal index site but it is a working file if I open the journal-specific index page.
Force SSL is On in the Config file.
When disable_path_info = On, then CSS it taking on-site as well as journal site working fine but when I unpublished the article it through an error that the requested URL is not found and we need to replace the PDF with the correct PDF.
@janiosarmento I included the https in the Base_URL
Here I am sharing the config setting. When the following setting is ON, CSS is taking but the admin menu option is not working and I am unable to save any changing our index any article. It is showing the requested URL is not found.
disable_path_info = On
; The canonical URL to the OJS installation (excluding the trailing slash)
base_url = “https://journals.jgu.edu.in”
When I enable the path info in config file, when I click on Clear Template Cache option in admin interface, it through me the Homepage back and when I disable the path info the Request URL is not found showing.