Is it possible to have an additional metadata field for translators in OJS? Our journal publishes translations of classical papers into Polish, and we acknowledge translators. But there’s no field in the submission dialogue. How can I change that so that it’s consistent with Mendeley / Google Scholar etc.?
Hi @milekpl,
OJS doesn’t have a specific facility for that – we do use the Dublin Core metadata set, so I’d suggest following the guidelines for that, but perhaps adding a note in the Abstract to specify that published articles are translations.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hm, I do that in a title, as I need to acknowledge the translator on the contents page. But reference managers (I use Mendeley) do have the translator field - is it really impossible to encode the simple fact that the paper has been translated? Anyway, this is a serious limitation if you follow DC metadata, which is not the most friendly for journal papers…
Thanks anyway,
Hi @milekpl,
It’s definitely something that could be changed with some coding effort – but it’s not a priority for us; this is the only request we’ve ever had for it. OJS 3.0 is more flexible in this respect but has not yet been released. If it’s truly important for you and you’ve got a PHP developer available, I can suggest where to start.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I wonder if there was any advance in this matter. I see you can choose whether a contributor is an author or a translator in the contributor’s metadata form, but, still, the information doesn’t show in the article’s page…
BTW, I’m talking about OJS 3.
Thank you for you patience.
Hi @periodicosfale,
If you go to Users & Roles > Roles and edit the Translator role, is this checkbox checked?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
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