I’ve come across a problem with emailing announcements using OJS It seems no one is receiving them, except the admin account itself which gets a copy. There are no bounce backs.
Bulk emailing is checked in site settings and the config file looks fine to me. Below is the relevant part. The smtp settings match those recommended by our ISP. Emails are otherwise successfully sent to new users to validate their accounts, as are those to users individually contacted within ‘Users & Roles’. The only option I can see that might be relevant is under Users & Roles/Notify/, where all roles are deselected (but this surely applies only to sending one-off emails from that screen).
; Email Settings ;
; Default method to send emails
; Available options: sendmail, smtp, log, phpmailer
default = smtp
; Path to the sendmail, -bs argument is for using SMTP protocol
;sendmail_path = “/usr/sbin/sendmail -bs”
; Use SMTP for sending mail instead of mail()
smtp = On
; SMTP server settings
smtp_server = xxxxxxxx
smtp_port = 465
; Enable SMTP authentication
; Supported smtp_auth: ssl, tls (see PHPMailer SMTPSecure)
smtp_auth = ssl
smtp_username = xxxxxxxx
smtp_password = xxxxxxxx
Is there a bug in v.