Hi @staff
Help me please.
I want add crossmark button in html pages, my theme (Health Sciences Theme).
<!-- Start Crossmark Snippet v2.0 -->
<script src="https://crossmark-cdn.crossref.org/widget/v2.0/widget.js"></script>
<a data-target="crossmark"><img src="https://crossmark-cdn.crossref.org/widget/v2.0/logos/CROSSMARK_BW_horizontal.svg" width="150" /></a>
<!-- End Crossmark Snippet -->
<meta name="dc.identifier" content="doi:10.5555/12345678"/>
Have a good day. @staff
Best regards.
Hi @rebas_saber
It is possible to add JS in the HTML header using the Custom Header Plugin. Also, you can add the HTML chunk in the sidebar using the âCustom Block Managerâ.
Iâve add it as a test on our Test Drive install:
Hi @israel.cefrin
Thanks for your reply.
But, i want to add button on main article.
Example : https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03334-4
Best regards.
Hi @rebas_saber
In that case you will need to edit the article template file: healthSciences/article_details.tpl at main · pkp/healthSciences · GitHub
Likewise, you will still need to add the JavaScript call for the third-party button.
Hi @israel.cefrin
OK, I know how to get to this file,
I am use this guid : Crossmark
I am now in Steps 3 & 4 :
Step 3: Add Crossref DOI to HTML pages and PDF
<meta name=âdc.identifierâ content =â10.3333/1212212â>
Step 4: Apply crossmark button
<!-- Start Crossmark Snippet v2.0 -->
<script src="https://crossmark-cdn.crossref.org/widget/v2.0/widget.js"></script>
<a data-target="crossmark"><img src="https://crossmark-cdn.crossref.org/widget/v2.0/logos/CROSSMARK_BW_horizontal.svg" width="150" /></a>
<!-- End Crossmark Snippet -->
But where do I put the html code, and meta, and where do I put the javascript code.
where is the appropriate place?.
Hi @rebas_saber
Step 3. The meta tag is embedded using the âDublin Core Indexing Pluginâ. You need to install and enable it. It will add the meta tags automatically (check the Testdrive link and check the source code)
Step 4. Both tags, JS and HTML , can be add to the article_details.tpl file. I would add from this line to show up below the license:
Hi @rebas_saber
Testdrive install - Editorial: A New Path for Health Sciences | OJS3 Testdrive Journal
The article_details.tpl file is on the Health Sciences Github repo.
Hi @israel.cefrin
I have installed and enabled the âDublin Core Indexingâ plugin.
But the âmeta tagâ code did not appear in the âarticle_details.tplâ file.
Have a good day.
Best regards.
Hi @israel.cefrin @staff
Anyone to help me please.
Hi @rcgillis
Thank you for replying.
I understood what you just said here: Apply the Crossmark button to your HTML pages - #12 by rcgillis
We hope to solve my problem as soon as possible.
Have a good day
Best regards.
Hi @rcgillis @israel.cefrin
I developed a plugin to add the Crossmark button a few months ago.
See if it works for you.
It works on versions older than 3.2x.
No setup required.
See an example:
You can install via add new plugin
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Hi @robertocamargo @rcgillis @israel.cefrin
Not working for me.
My OJS version :
Can you give me this theme !?.
June 10, 2021, 12:54pm
It appears to be the Manuscript Theme available in the OJS plugin gallery.
His demo page: Manuscript: An OJS Theme Demo
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Hi @rebas_saber
@abadan is right, it is MANUSCRIPT theme.
Logre habilitar el botĂłn pero ahora como realizo lo siguiente enlazar con el DOI y poder mostrar la informaciĂłn porque solo esta de esta manera.