Hello, I am immersed in DOI CrossRef through the organization. They tell me I need an exporter of XML. I used the OJS brings, but I am told that is not valid. I you can recommend another puglin to extract a valid XML for DOI for journal articles and numbers? Thank you.
Did you use the CrossRef export in:
User Home → Journal Manager → Import/Export Data → CrossRef Export/Registration ?
If so, what is the specific error that is reported in checking the XML validity?
You can test the validity on-demand at:
Hello, it gives an error after loading the file. 3-4 minutes later and it indicates that the product does not work.
What gives the error - OJS, or the CrossRef tool?
What exactly is the error message?
I get the error the Crossref tool.
That error is coming directly from CrossRef. Your best bet is probably to open a ticket with them.
Is your XML file particularly large? Have you tried validating a single article or single issue?
I have validated a complete number, occupying 4 MB.
Try registering just the issue you validated, and proceed with the registration issue-by-issue. If you encounter an issue which fails and you do not understand the error message, feel free to post it here.
Shipping both items only as numbers, and gives me the same problem.
What can I do? You know if another exporter XML plugin for OJS ??
When you validated one issue (the 4 MB one), did you do so at the CrossRef site? Were you then able to registered the issue you validated?
If you were able to validate the issue, but not able to register the issue, what error message did you receive?
You could also try validating and registering one article at a time, or you could post one of your XML exports here and we could take a look at it.
Hi, I have validated tool both article CrossRef (one) and numbers (one) and I get the same error capture. I am looking forward to your response…
Ah, I thought you meant that you had successfully validated an export.
I think your best bet is either opening a support request with CrossRef, or posting one of the files here.
I opened a support ticket in CrossRef and do not give me any solution. I refer you to talk with you and me indiquéis an XML valid exporter.
If you post one of your XML exports here, we may be able to help.
Thanks, but I do not want to upload it here by carrying personal data and data protection law prevents me. I could indicate your email to send it privately? Thank you!
You can send it via private message by clicking on my username, then clicking “Message”.
I 've thought about it , but if you check , just let me attach pictures , no files or archives .
Hmmm… that’s disappointing. I’ll check with PKP about adjusting that.
Could you upload the file to a cloud sharing tool such as box.com, dropbox.com, etc, and private message the link to me?
@gardbeat, the sample you sent was from OJS’s native format “Articles & Issues XML” Import/Export plugin. This is for transfer from one OJS instance to another.
Look instead for the “CrossRef Export/Registration” Import/Export plugin. This will allow you to export valid CrossRef XML, or directly register with CrossRef.
Thank you! @ctgraham