I have this problem that it causes me few concerned
The email of “review reminder” shows the URL as http://journals.equinoxpub.dev/runScheduledTasks.php/JCA
but it supposed to be http://journals.equinoxpub.com/index.php/JCA
I checked the config.inc.php file and I change the base URL from journals.equinoxpub.dev to journals.equinoxpub.com but this doesn’t explain why the URL display “runScheduleTasks.php” instead of “index.php”
I had a look at the article and to be honest I don’t understand the link with my issue, I receive the email correctly but the URL in the email is wrong, I had a look at the code and I saw that the link is generate by: $submissionReviewUrl = Request::url($journal->getPath(), 'reviewer', 'submission', $reviewId, $urlParams);
for the submission review URL and by: 'passwordResetUrl' => Request::url($journal->getPath(), 'login', 'resetPassword', $reviewer->getUsername(), array('confirm' => Validation::generatePasswordResetHash($reviewer->getId()))),
for the password Reset URL
So I believe there is a problem on the generator of link.
the OJs version we aare using is Open Journal Systems,
I know our version is a old version but it cannot be changed because it has been modified by me and the previous ITs.
That release of OJS is nearly 8 years old, and I’m fairly sure the issue you’re describing doesn’t apply to more recent releases (2.4.x or 3.x versions).
In fact, I’m afraid we can’t help debugging problems on code that’s been obsolete for so long – we’re a small team and need to juggle a lot of priorities to keep all our software up to date and reliable to our entire community.
Rather than debugging old problems in old code, I’d suggest spending the time seeing whether you can apply your modifications to something newer, e.g. OJS 2.4.x, as you’re likely to run into other already-fixed bugs and this would help resolve them.
Israel Cefrin
Public Knowledge Project Team