I am newbie with OJS and would like a help.
I have a question relevant to the links these items: http://itarget.com.br/newclients/sobecc.org.br/2012/revistas/index.php/sobecc/issue/view/38/showToc
When we click on any of articles, the final url ends with a number that is stored in the “article_settings” table in column “setting_value” and the page is not found.
For example, by clicking on “Complicações em idosos em Sala de Recuperação Pós-Anestésica (SRPA)” the url displayed is terminated "…/article/view/10.5327/Z1414-4425201500020002 " and should end in “…/article/view/6”.
The id of the article is 6 and not 10.5327 / Z1414-4425201500020002.
The current version of OJS is
Thank you very much for any advice.
Best regards
You’ve turned on the “custom identifiers for published items” option, and it looks like you’ve entered DOIs in that field. I’m not sure why that’s not working when you click the links – a local test seems to behave OK – but if you don’t want to use custom identifiers, I’d suggest disabling them in Journal Setup, step 4. Then you’ll go back to using numeric IDs in URLs.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher!
Thanks for your help.
I disabled custom “identifiers for published items” and works fine. but when I enable again and I click on an article it is not found. Instead of “/” appears “% 2F” in the URL. There is some extra configuration?
The %2f is expected, because OJS needs to escape the / character you entered in the public identifier field. It looks like there’s a problem happening elsewhere.
However, your initial question was how to return to using the numeric ID (e.g. 6) instead of the more complex DOI; do you still want to do that? If so, just disable the public identifier checkbox and leave it that way.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hello @asmecher!
Thanks for your information and attention.
I will let the public identifier disabled, this solves my problem.
See you later!
Best regards