Hello there,
I am stuck with an other detail in the registration page.
In the very last field, the user has the possibility to specify his/her “Reviewing interests”, if he/she has selected the option “Yes, I would like to be contacted with requests to review submissions to this journal.”
The “problem” is that here the user is not allowed to write under a same tag two different and separated words, because as soon as he/she types “space” or “enter” the keyword is separated. In this way, it is not possible to write something as “moral philosophy”, but you can only write “moral” “philosophy”
I understand that appears to be a detail, and in fact it is: however, it disturbs the Editors in chief very much, apparently and from some feedbacks I am receiving.
Has someone ever faced this?
All the best,
Hi @leonardo.mancini,
Would you mind posting the OJS version as well?
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @pmangahis,
excuse me. I am using OJS 3.1.2-4 and OJS 3.2.0-2 (I should update soon in any case, for both of them).
All the best,
Hi @leonardo.mancini,
I am unable to replicate this issue on either versions of OJS you had listed there.
OJS 3.1.2-4

OJS 3.2.0-2
Do you recall if you would have made any modification on your config file or anything else on the back end?
Kind Regards,
Patricia M.
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @pmangahis,
thank you very much for your feedback.
I actually didn’t make any changes in the backend or in the config file, in both cases. Both were fresh installation from the code, which I uploaded through the FTP.
It’s interesting then! I have tried on a third journal with OJS 3.1.2-4 (on an other server even) and I have again the same situation.
I attach a screenshot at this regard. According to you, what could be an explanation?
All the best,

Hi @leonardo.mancini,
Hmm, I’m unable to reproduce this either… Perhaps it could be browser-dependent? Have you tried using a different browser? (I’m using Firefox.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
thank you for your feedback also.
I have tried with different browsers, and I am still getting the same situation…
I will try to see if this problem will get solved uploading to 3-2-0-3
Best regards,