I’m trying to install Open Conference Systems 2.3.6 on my server, but at first, I got a blank page after the installation script is executed, so, I activated php debug by adding these two lines
The page coming after the installation script is ran shows:
CAUGHT EXCEPTION: Assigning the return value of new by reference is
CAUGHT EXCEPTION: Assigning the return value of new by reference is
CAUGHT EXCEPTION: Assigning the return value of new by reference is
For me it seems that the software isn’t compatible with my setup. According to the REAME file, this are the requirements:
* PHP >= 4.2.x (including PHP 5.x); Microsoft IIS requires PHP 5.x
* MySQL >= 3.23.23 (including MySQL 4.x) or PostgreSQL >= 7.1
(including PostgreSQL 8.x)
* Apache >= 1.3.2x or >= 2.0.4x or Microsoft IIS 6
* Operating system: Any OS that supports the above software, including
Linux, BSD, Solaris, Mac OS X, Windows
I have:
php 5.3.3-40
mysql 5.1.73-3
Apache 2.2.15-39
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.6 (Santiago)
So, PHP seems to be supported, but it seams that mysql 5.1 and Apache 2.2 not. Is this right? Are there any plans to include them?
Those warnings are not fatal – they’re cosmetic, arising from our need to support PHP’s reference behavior both in PHP4 and PHP5. This means you’ll get a lot of deprecation warnings (you can configure your PHP error reporting to suppress thesse) but you should still be able to run with PHP5.3.
I wonder if you’re hitting some other kind of problem – is there nothing else in the log file that might be relevant?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Unfortunately, ocs didn’t show me anything in the apache log file, so, I installed another conference management system, which is also php and mysql based. That system showed me:
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysqli_connect() in …
So, I realized that for RedHat you also need to install an extra package called: php-mysql
After doing this, I tried again the ocs setup and it worked. So it should be mentioned on the requirements that php-mysql must be installed.