Although the “Will not be peer-reviewed” option is selected for the editorial type of submissions in Journal Settings, the submission is not sent directly to the production stage.
Is this the anticipated behaviour in OJS 3, or I need to make some other adjustments? Or do I need to follow the default workflow as in other submissions?
Best Regards,
Ugur Kocak
Hi @drugurkocak,
That option wasn’t intended to affect the workflow – you are free to use or skip the peer review area for any submission. However, that option used to provide information in the About area and no longer does. See "Will not be peer reviewed" section flag is not used/presented · Issue #2688 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub for an issue to resolve this.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
I remembered the policies in About page, but I think I confused two events.
In OJS 2, I was using it to bypass the review stage, especially for certain submissions (i.e. Editorial, or Letters to the Editor). Using Editor or Journal Manager role, When I submit these type of articles, the journal system was asking me whether I want these submissions to be added directly to the queue of accepted articles (or something like that) and the review stage was not needed at all. Perhaps, these two (Review process & About page) may also be independent of each other.
Almost any editor wishes to publish an Editorial message, that does not need peer review. So, the system may ask the submitter whether these type of articles will undergo review, or to be sent directly to production stage by looking at that option. But in any case, thank you for work.
Best Regards,
Ugur Kocak
Hi @drugurkocak,
I think you’re talking about what we used to call the “Expedited” submission workflow in OJS 2.x. The equivalent in OJS 3.x is to simply record an “Accept” decision and then schedule the submission against an issue.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
Yes, I think. I am sorry that I didn’t become aware of this option. I applied your suggestions and it is ok now.
Best Regards,
Ugur Kocak