Is it possible to widen the articles’ titles in the table of contents of a journal issue so that the titles aren’t bunched up? (This is a forwarded request from a journal manager whose discipline can have very long article titles)

Many thanks,
In my view this problem is totally based on your page design. You have to make some adjustments in your CSS file to get your desired result.
I am taking a reference that I am using common.css file in my journal so I will go to lib/pkp/styles/common.css
here find Line# 272 (In my case) written /** * Table styles */
try to adjust the code written below this line from here.
you can also adjust the id #container { } in this css (If necessary), a perfect css designer can fit your design.
Caution: Since we are using common.css, the effects you change may reflect on tables used by Editorial view, Author view and other places where ojs is using this table.