- Application Version - e.g., OJS
- Description of issue: The step 4 in submit an article not appear.
acctualy - Steps you took leading up to the issue: I went to “all active”, choused an article to finish the submission, and when I click in “View Submission” goes to step 4 of submission, but all is blank.
- What you tried to resolve the issue: I tried others browsers, and I got the same result. All blank in step 4. tried open de submissions steps to looking for something wrong, but I saw nothing wrong.
- Screenshots
- Error log messages if applicable: Don’t appear error log messages, only blank page.
Hi @Igor_Quintal the log messages wouldn’t appear in the browser directly. They would either be on the server, in the web server error log for Apache, or in a JavaScript error log accessible via your browser’s web developer toolbar.
Thanks a lot!
I don’t have access to web developer toolbar. So, can you tell me how I can give the Support instructions to get the log messages to me?
You’d have access to the toolbar, as it comes with all browsers by default. In any case, you’ll need to talk to who ever maintains your server and tell them to look for the server logs for Apache. They are probably in a directory like /var/log/httpd or /var/log/apache. There may also be a dedicated one just for PHP, but not always.
Hi @jnugent
I’ll try to guide them to get this log, than I will came back with prints, to get more instructions.
Thanks a lot.
Hi @jnugent , finally I got the Log.
So, I saw an error with our plugin “iThenticate”, but I don’t know how to fix that. Can You Help me?
PHP Warning: array_search() expects parameter 2 to be array, bool given in /ojs/plugins/generic/plagiarism/PlagiarismPlugin.inc.php on line 81, referer: https://revistaeletronica.fab.mil.br/index.php/rohaco/submission/wizard/4?submissionId=296
Could not create folder group for context Revista Odontol\xc3\xb3gica do Hospital de Aeron\xc3\xa1utica de Canoas on iThenticate., referer: https://revistaeletronica.fab.mil.br/index.php/rohaco/submission/wizard/4?submissionId=296
::: Linha do arquivo de configuração :::
// Make sure there’s a group list for this context, creating if necessary.
$groupList = $ithenticate->fetchGroupList();
$contextName = $context->getLocalizedName($context->getPrimaryLocale());
linha 81 if (!($groupId = array_search($contextName, $groupList))) {
// No folder group found for the context; create one.
$groupId = $ithenticate->createGroup($contextName);
if (!$groupId) {
error_log(‘Could not create folder group for context ’ . $contextName . ’ on iThenticate.’);
return false;
Thanks a lot.
Have you added the necessary extra iThenticate information to your config.inc.php file?
It requires login credentials.
Thanks @jnugent
I hope this will help the support guys to solve the problem.
I really appreciate it.