Why no dois on landing page?

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Why is OJS ( not displaying dois on the journal landing page where the current latest issue is displayed? Users have to click on “latest issue” in the menu before seeing doi for the issue ao articles.

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Hi @geirrosset,

I think this is common across many themes (I tested it out on a few other journals and see the same thing). Have you seen other journals/themes display it in this manner?

PKP Team

I tried standard and healthSciences. It is not intuitive that you have to click “latest issue” in the menu to see the issue with dois. I get questions about why there is no doi. “People” don’t usually want to do a whole lot of searching for details that should be plainly visible.

Can this be activated without too much custom code?

Hi @geirrosset,

I would anticipate that this would involve customizing the code/modifying the theme. @Vitaliy - perhaps you could speak to this?

PKP Team