I’m setting up a conference in a new OCS install.
I have noticed that this appears in the title of “Call of papers”: {$schedConfAbbrev} Call for papers
Where is the error?
I’m setting up a conference in a new OCS install.
I have noticed that this appears in the title of “Call of papers”: {$schedConfAbbrev} Call for papers
Where is the error?
Hi @blackadder25,
The Spanish translation contains some out-of-date locale keys. See locale/es_ES/locale.xml
<message key="schedConf.cfp.title">{$schedConfAbbrev} Call for papers</message>
<message key="schedConf.overview.title">{$schedConfAbbrev} Descripción</message>
<message key="schedConf.presentations.title">{$schedConfAbbrev} Presentaciones y Autores</message>
<message key="schedConf.program.title">{$schedConfAbbrev} Programa</message>
<message key="schedConf.trackPolicies.title">{$schedConfAbbrev} Políticas</message>
The correct form of these can be seen in the English locale:
<message key="schedConf.cfp.title">Call for Papers</message>
<message key="schedConf.overview.title">Overview</message>
<message key="schedConf.presentations.title">Presentations and Authors</message>
<message key="schedConf.schedule.title">Schedule</message>
<message key="schedConf.program.title">Program</message>
<message key="schedConf.accommodation.title">Accommodation</message>
<message key="schedConf.trackPolicies.title">Track Policies</message>
You can either edit these files by hand, or use the translator plugin (which should be included in your OCS) to review the Spanish translation.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team