i tray to upgrade the payment plagin but i dont have a newer payment plugin. where i can find that solution
You should either upgrade a plugin to an existing newer plugin or develop one yourself.
Hi @Anang_Alfian,
Can you describe what you’re attempting to do with the payment plugin? Also, which of our applications are you using, and what version?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
dear asmecher
thanks on your answer, i just to tray using the manually payment plugin, but my ojs command me to upgrade the plugin, so i do not have any newer plugin. now i use Open Journal Systems version, so can you tell me where i can fine the newer manual payment plugin?.
best regard
dear @alirezaaa
thank on your solution, can you tell me where i can find the newer manual payment plugin?
best regard
Hi @Anang_Alfian,
Where did OJS tell you to upgrade the plugin? Can you include a screenshot or something similar?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
hi @asmecher
thanks very much, apter i ask the question my payment plugin didnt can be upgrad, so when i ask the question and i see the payment method it so be accses, thank PKP
best regard