The PKP PLN terms of use have been updated. Agreement with new terms is required to continue depositing.
Hello @sciplatform
The terms of use are in the plugin settings page.
Will you kindly let me know the Path
Hello @sciplatform
First visit the generic plugins page: journal management → system plugins → generic plugins
The PKP PLN Plugin is listed about halfway down in my journal, but it may be different in your setup. There links to the settings and status pages just under the description of the plugin.
Thank you for your response. I have reached there but what should I do next
where to download the updated plugin
Issue resolved thank you
The PKP PLN terms of use have been updated. Agreement with new terms is required to continue depositing.
Still facing problem
You do not need to download an updated version of the plugin. Only use the plugin that’s distributed with your version of OJS.
The message is telling you that the terms of use have been updated. You don’t need to download new terms of use. You must agree to each term of use by clicking the checkbox next to “I agree” for each term. Then you must save that form by clicking the Save button. If the terms of use are ever updated again, you will need to agree to them in the same way, although we expect that to be a very very rare occurrence.