Good Morning
Hi @asmecher
I have problem with one of my conference participant.
He can not login to his account.
I changed his password two times.
I logged in as he in my computer, and all was ok.
He sent me a printscreen and everything what he did looks right.
Where I can find logs with all activities in a system?
I would like to find why he cant log in, or check what password he typed because, in the printscreen i can see only “dots”.
Best regards
Hi @chahor,
Is the password being reported as invalid, or is there no message at all after he tries to log in?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher
There is a message as in this screen shot:
Hi @chahor,
I think it’s very likely that the user is simply entering the password wrong. Have them try copy/pasting the password in, rather than re-typing it manually.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Dear @asmecher
Yes I think the same,
Apologise that I wasting your time.
But i trying to help him from 5 days, and he all the time report that he can’t log in…
Anyway, is any possibility to find logs from log in?
Hi @chahor,
We don’t log passwords for security purposes; you’d need to modify the login handler temporarily.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team