Please make sure that when loading page you deleted cache from your browser or so so the browser loads page with changes.
Please go to Settings/Website/Sidebar management and position plugins properly. There is no as far as I know font size box. Search box is on top right part of page.
Go to Settings*/Website/plugins/ Public Identifiers and check Settings in DOI plugin and set it up
Styling is done in .less and old css files are not I guess compatible with new version. However, you can experiment with your css code.
[quote=“vvucic, post:2, topic:30033”]
Please make sure that when loading page you deleted cache from your browser or so so the browser loads page with changes.
I did this and have tried other gadgets and different browsers. I cannot save changes in some sections: masthead, author guidelines. For example, it won’t save paragraph spaces or text. The save button goes from black to grey and in the right bottom corner, the “work in action” icon turns for ever until I leave the tab. I am not making big changes.
I don’t have support… But i did a quick search through the file manager on CPanel for error logs. Please can you spot the most likely candidates and advise what I am looking for? Thanks!
For a shared host, this certainly not exposed under “public_html” and may not be exposed in your home directory at all. In CPanel, it may be exposed in a separate widget. For example:
Your hosting provider’s support is your best source for this.