Hi. We made a fresh install of OJS some days ago. I´m new in this version so i can´t find some things that i knew in last versions. We started to upload some articles from two different issues, to check the new version. When i check current issue in menu, shows me the last last one published, but it isn´t the current issue. Where can I choose the current issue, no matter if i it was published before the others?
Hi @nanaluna,
Currently the current issue is only set when an issue is published, but starting with the next release it’ll be possible to choose more easily. See No current issue when current issue is unpublished · Issue #2267 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub for more information.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Ok, My solution was unpublish the issue, add an article and publish again, and the system took it, as current issue.
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I confirm: unpublish the issue you want to make “current”, refresh “issues” page, and “republish” issue.
No need to add an article at all.
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