PKP OJS Dataverse plugin for OJS 3.X is not avaibale on 3.x. Is there any concrete plans for when Dataverse plugin will be included in OJS 3.X?
PKP OJS Dataverse plugin for OJS 3.X is not avaibale on 3.x. Is there any concrete plans for when Dataverse plugin will be included in OJS 3.X?
Hi @obi,
We don’t yet have concrete plans for updating this plugin to work with OJS 3.x. (FYI, that plugin was originally written by a partner organization, not PKP directly.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Please try to add [Dataverse Plugin] which is an important plugin for Data Repository. Do OJS have another plugin for Data Repository? If yes, please share details. When we file COPE form, it need to declare that "Do you have a data repository? "
Please help in this regards