I have edited the config file and now not sure how I can get the changes to refresh and show in OJS. In particular I am changing the email server settings. index.php/index/admin/systemInfo still shows pre-edit information.
many thanks in advance.
Hi @rufusbecker,
Changes to config.inc.php
should take place immediately; make sure you’re changing the right file, and that you aren’t e.g. leaving sections of the config file accidentally commented out with ;
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you, Alec. Very perplexing. I am editing public_html/config.inc.php and the changes are saving. The lines I am editing are not commented out.
I have tried clearing my browser cache and the site’s data cache. No change to …/systemInfo

Never mind - brain fart. Thank you for your indulging me in my stupidity.