What programming languages do you recommend learning to understand the programming logic and the operation of OJS, I would like to make some adjustments in our magazine, but I would like to understand the logic and the programming methodology that it has, it is possible that they can help me, please.
Hi @JoseCandido,
OJS is a big codebase, so it’s always undergoing renovation of some sort; there are some common basics to learn (PHP, Smarty), some new additions that we’ll be making more use of in the future (vue.js, Illuminate Database, etc) and some parts that we’re gradually removing in favour of newer technologies (ADODB, our old custom Javascript library).
You might want to learn by tackling a small project – a plugin, or something from the “Try Me” list in GitHub that aligns with your interests – and we could possibly provide some guidance if you get stuck.
There is also the developer documentation, which we’ve been investing a lot of effort into lately – feedback on that is welcome as well!
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I will consider doing everything that tells me,
Thank you very much for answering, greetings!